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Apple Pie for Beginners

Happy Fat Tuesday y'all!
For those of you that don't know, today is a day of celebrating one of the things I love most in the world: FOOD. 

Fat Tuesday is a day when people eat all they want of everything and anything because the following day is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of a long fasting period for Christmas. 

Let me be real with you for a second, I won't be fasting. It's not something I take part in. But eating anything and everything today? COUNT. ME. IN. 
So in honor of Fat Tuesday, today I share with you one of my favorite guilty pleasures: apple pie. This is a super simple recipe that will meet all tour cravings without taking 749849791 hours to make! The best part about this dessert? It's uniquely yours. 

To be honest, I'm actually not a fan of pies. I've always been a bit of a "texture eater." Anything that is the least bit mushy is out of the question for me. But now that I'm determined to be an adult, I eat things I wouldn't in the past. One of those items happens to be apple pie. 

The recipe below simple, delicious, and perfect for "texture eaters" like I am I used to be. 

Pie Crust Design:
This is my favorite part about making an apple pie. It's the easiest way to take your simple/easy apple pie to the next level. Looking to make a pretty dessert for that business party at your boss's house? This is it. No one will know you used store-bought pie crusts because they will be too busy swooning over it's lovely design. 

I like to take one of the pie crusts and cut it up into different sized strips. I think take several strips and braid them together to jazz things up a bit. Alternate patterning while remembering to press the edges down! You can find additional pie design ideas HERE.

Tip: Use any leftover pieces of pie crust to make small flowers for the top! Another way to make your simple dessert stand out!

Pinterest Worthy Recipe Card:
Be sure to save the recipe card below to your favorite dessert Pinterest boards! It's easy to follow, step-by-step directions, make this the perfect apple pie recipe for beginners. 

Have further questions/concerns? Let's connect!