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J's First Advent Calendar

 I'm a bit behind in sharing this but I know some mom's out there still have fillers for some days and are looking for last minute ideas so I figured it was worth sharing even if it's two days into the calendar!

Here's a look at J's calendar!

I'll share a graphic below of all the things we are doing each day plus links to sources for days with activities, recipes, crafts, etc. 

I decided to use a cloth advent calendar with pockets this year and I truly love it. The only thing about this specific one is that the pockets are fairly small. I will likely choose a different one in the years forward. 

With Jennings only being one year old, we decided to just do very simple crafts, small toys, and daily tasks. Obviously, as she gets older, these types of things will change. 

Below is a graphic showing everything that we’re doing day to day. This is obviously specific to her age, our location, and also just preference. Overall, this is a great list of ideas to pull from. I’ll also link anything I use below, including printable‘s advent labels, small gifts, and the advent calendar itself.

Hopefully some of you find this helpful and maybe revisit year after year. 

Wishing you the merriest Christmas of all, 

Jennings’ Mom


Salt Dough Recipe: (LINK HERE)

Fun Bath Ideas: scented with peppermint oil, Santa beards with bubbles, color tablets (red and green)

Reindeer Pancakes (LINK HERE)


Name Painting Craft (with free download!)

 I'm always doing little crafts with Jennings to display in her playroom or to pack away in her keepsake box. Since I only have her at home, it's much easier for me to do crafts that take a bit more time or work. Shoutout to all the moms of multiple kids, you are a rockstar.

BUTTTT, sometimes I do really simple ones that are mess free! This is one of those crafts. 


- PAPER + PRINTER (black and white ink only!)

It’s truly a very simple craft. I spent a bit more time (during J’s morning nap) designing the printable but that step isn’t one you’ll need to do. Below is a link to the CANVA document. All you have to do is click to edit the name and save the design! From there, you’ll print. 

I’ve said this before, but i always try to have everything ready to do two of the same craft just in case something messes up with the first. This one is pretty easy and nothing should go wrong, but you never know. I recommend printing 2 per page. This also allows you to cut the paper in half and for it to fit well within the large ziplock. 

Once the paper is in the ziplock bag, you’ll put a few dollops of paint on the paper. Then you’ll zip it up and try to get 99% of the air out of the bag. 

Next take some painters tape and tape the bag to the surface so it can’t be pulled up. 

It’s THAT easy. 

When finished, take the paper from the ziplock and allow time for drying. You can frame it, clip it on a garland like we do for display, or laminate it and save in their keepsake box!

I’ll likely do more of these and always continue to share the designs with you! If you have any questions about the customization process or downloading and printing, please reach out!


If you wish to customize your printable outside of Canva, you can right click on the image below, save, and edit it elsewhere!




I had intentions of blogging my "early playroom plans" but once I got started, it happened quickly and now it's done. If you know me, you know I don't leave things unfinished very long. Well, except for my office that I stopped working on because I knew it would become a playroom sooner rather than later. And....turns out it happened very much sooner rather than later lol. Now I sit at the kitchen island blogging versus at my desk....

BUT....totally worth it. 

The room is fairly small. I didn't want a ton of space, just a little somewhere to sit at a small desk and store some of my mom/crafty things. So, the
now playroom is small. But it's perfect. I was able to fit everything in it that I wanted at this age and I know as she grows over the next few months and we add new things (play kitchen + sensory table) there's still a space for it.

Here's A Peek Inside The Cutest Room:

I wanted this space to feel fun and energetic and happy. I wanted the walls to be filled with fun prints and banners and her artwork. I wanted color. LOTS OF COLOR. 

As I said before, I never truly finished my office. I did however, purchase a few items that transitioned into the playroom. (The small desk is currently in the attic now lol). The tall shelf from Urban Outfitters, cozy chair from Amazon, and one piece of art stayed. Additionally, the light fixtures stayed, thank goodness. My husband would've killed me if I asked him to swap those out lol. 
I also moved the Montessori toy shelf from the nursery into the playroom. Jennings still loves it and plays at it far more than the tall shelf. The taller shelf we use more for back-up toy bins. I still rotate everything weekly or so and have a back stock of toys in her nursery closet. 
Additionally, I transitioned the olive tree and basket from my office as well. I plan to take it out during the holidays and add in a Christmas tree instead. 

I finally did it. I ordered a picker triangle and wow, Jennings LOVESSSS it. The one we purchased was from Amazon (there's literally a million and a half options out there) and came as a five-piece set. We currently have the ramp/climbing wall in the attic as it's a bit advance for 9 months old. Jennings is using the triangle for climbing and the arch (with the cushion) for sitting in/climbing on. She's also using the arch for rocking back and forth while she stands up. While terrifying, I'm certain it's helping her core muscles and balance which is encouraging her to stand independently and ultimately walk. 
For more about the Pikler triangle, READ HERE. The Pikler triangle set, is designed to inspire exploration, creativity, and physical development in young adventurers. 

Montessori toy storage is tricky for moms who don't like to see everything lol. While minimal and on a rotation, it's still there out where baby can grab them. Most Montessori articles I've read says 10-12 toys out where baby can grab them is ideal. Additionally, rotating through toys allows them to find a fresh interest in toys maybe they aren't seeming super interested in currently. I rotate no more than once per week and sometimes only once per month. It truly depends on your baby and how interested they stay in the toys, etc. 
Anyway, back to storage. Because we leave mist toys out, the storage is minimal. I use these fabric bins from H&M Kids to group some toys (several wooden animals, farmer's market pretend food, etc) and these plastic pop-up bins to group others. These are smaller toys that she doesn't necessarily grab for very much but we will use when I am playing along side her. Things that I'll demonstrate how to play with. While you might think baskets aren't truly "Montessori based", containers are good for organizing small related pieces and fun for your kids to practice putting in and taking out.

This is where I got to have a lot of fun bringing colors and textures and patterns into the space. As I said above, only one piece of art (the only piece of art I had) stayed in the room. It's a numbered print from a hometown artist that my mom gave me for Christmas. It doesn't necessarily fit the vibe but it's staying for now because it's a cool piece. I added an orange and yellow pennant flag banner across it and have started clipping her art to it. It's a fun way to showcase her little crafts! 
Now, onto the gallery wall. The "SHE IS MAGIC THAT ONE" banner,  "THESE ARE THE GOOD OLE DAYS" flag and alphabet handmade garland are all Amazon finds that I LOVEEEEE. The quality of all three are great and add so much to the wall. Note: I switched the ribbon on the GOOD OLE DAYS banner for a girlie vibe. It did come with a small white twine so just make sure you purchase ribbon if you wish to recreate ours!

I also have two prints that I framed.  The "I Love Dogs" print comes in several colors and is available on Etsy (linked here). I love the kid-like dog drawings and feel like it adds a fun pop of color and quirk to the wall. The other print is currently just a blue cowboy boot repetition that I put in the frame. I ordered the wrong size for the dog print and ended up just keeping this size too. And this was the only other thing I had that would "work" in the frame. Eventually I may swap it out for the seasons or maybe something more permanent. TBD. 

When we created our baby registry, we added a pack of three acrylic book shelves to the list. We ended up only needing two for J’s nursery so we’ve been holding onto the other one knowing we’d eventually use it somewhere else. Somewhere else was the playroom it turns out. Instead of a true “bookshelf” I’m using it more for decor and small items that tie the room together. 
In the shelf you’ll find the following: two very sweet books we love to grab and read, a wavy mirror (I linked a similar one), a cutie little plant, one of our fave Maileg mice, a pink balloon dog, a little stand that holds a pack of fun postcards we will rotate through, and a Polaroid of the cutest kid on earth. It only makes sense to frame a picture of Jennings for her own playroom shelf right? Ha!


It’s the small things that tie a rook together. In the top of her shelf, there’s a lamp (I had this in my office), an I Love Dogs book, a few toys including the cutest Amazon wooden rainbow, a Today Is A Good Day wooden block, a little vase and flower, and a Polaroid of her favorite person, Loretta. 

On the floor, we transitioned our orange playmat from Amazon that we used in the living room/nursery during playtime. On the chair I added her checkerboard blanket and a bright orange flower pillow. A pillow so good we bought it in two colors. The second one lives on her arch and is the sweetest shade of pink. Also on the arch, her potato (Tay) and her best friend puppy (Goldie) always hang out. 

Okay, I think that’s it. Now y’all understand why it took me a week to get this post up. It’s a lot in such a small space but wow, it’s so fun to be in and watch our little girl play. 

Links Below To Shop:

9 Months of Our Girl!

 9 months of Jennings being the light of our lives. ✨ This month felt like it flew by and she grew up SO MUCH. Eddie and I find ourselves saying how big she is alllllll the time. Our days are loud, happy, and never still around here and we wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Month 9 In Highlights:
- Standing up a lotttttt more. Sometimes for a bit without holding onto things which is so cool and equally terrifying. 
- Learned to blow bubbles in her water. 🫧 
- Waves heyyyyy now 👋🏻 
- Continues to eat and love all the food she tries and is slowly starting to drink/want less bottles which is wow, how are we already here. 🥛 
- Loves a dance party and starts bouncing up and down when her favorite songs come on. 
And my current favorite trick? When we say “where’s your lion?” and we get roars. 🦁

An Easy Thai Meal

 As a mom, I've learned that dinner time can be really simple or really difficult. There's truly no in between. For us, we have a really good system and rarely run into issues at dinner time. 

When pregnant, and since 2020, we were getting weekly meal boxes from Everyplate. While we did enjoy it, we grew tired of the recipes after 3 years and wanted to add in some dishes to our rotation that we could have leftovers of and eat several times. 
Additionally, we wanted to add in more clean ingredients and different protein and grain options since Jennings was beginning to eat a lot of the food we were serving. 

Anyway, we are a few months into cooking our own recipes and truly loving it. 

Tonight's meal was one we really, really enjoyed and one we will definitely make again. 
Additionally, if you are in the midst of baby-led weaning, I'll share a picture of J's plate at the end.

Thai Chicken and Rice with Long Beans + Mushrooms

- chicken, rice, long beans, mushrooms, avocado, cucumber, lime, cilantro // THIS CHILI OIL IS THE STAR THOUGH!(Amazon ; $10)

How To Assemble:
[ I baked chicken, seasoned with lime juice, avocado oil, and cilantro on a sheet pan for 30 minutes at 425 degrees ; cooked rice in bone broth ; in a pan, sautéed long beans and mushrooms with the Amazon chili oil]

Top rice with chicken, long beans + mushrooms. Serve with thin slices of cucumbers, avocado wedges, and a quarter of lime. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and enjoy!

oh, and for you BLW moms....


We served her mushrooms (unseasoned), cucumbers, avocado, and fruit!

Shop My Kitchen Faves:

Updated Toy Shelf: 8 Months Old


 I do this every week (sometimes less and sometimes more depending on how much we’ve played with the toys) to keep fresh “new” toys in rotation for Jennings to play with. It’s been a great way for her to show new interest in toys she’s forgotten about. Some toys stay week over week and others only rotate in every couple months. 

Here’s what’s in this week’s batch of toys! 🧸 
Also, fellow moms, do you rotate toys for your kiddos?

- Montessori Wooden Spinning Wheel 
Amazon find for under $20 and our most played with toy since J was 2 months old!

- Montessori Wooden Ball Drop
Another Montesorri Amazon find! This one is $13 and a bit advanced but still a favorite. We haven't quite mastered putting the balls back in, but we love taking them out and rolling them. 

- Montessori Shape Sorter
This one is for a much older baby but we are adapting it to her current skill level at 8 months old. Instead of expecting her to sort the shapes, we just say the shape name and color when she pulls them out of the box. This is helping her pincher grasp as well! Amazon find and comes with two other toys usually in our rotation. 

- Books: One For Me To Read Her and One Interactive
These are two we read and play with a lot. The "Where's The ______" collection of books is Jennings approved. She loves lifting the felt to reveal the items. 

- Montessori Bendable Animals:
These are brand new to our rotation and already a favorite. We use them to work on animal sounds and just for playing. I try to choose actions words to repeat when we are playing. So for example: Have the animal (lion) roar. Make the animals sound and say "roar". Have the lion jump. Say "jump" and then show it again. These are pricey but I see them sticking around for many years and I do plan to order another batch. Right now she is playing with the Safari Collection. 

- Wooden Toaster:
Another one that's a bit older. It comes with a lot of smaller pieces but right now we are only using the toaster and the two pieces of bread. She is learned cause-and-effect by pressing the lever and making the toast "POP!" 

Other things for our play area that "just make sense":
- Orange Playmat: We have two packs of these from Amazon. Great quality and inexpensive. 

- Montessori Shelf: An Etsy find that is so, so, so GOOD! Just know shipping takes a couple weeks. 

- Fabric Baskets: These are from H&M and I'm so glad we have them. I'm starting to think about her playroom and I do plan to order a few more of these for in there. 

- Name Pennant: We constantly spell her name throughout the day and she's started dancing when we do. Just a fun way to incorporate learning into playtime! can see THIS POST from 6 months and shop all her favorite toys from then. Most are still in rotation now!