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My Opinion On Building Thus Far: December 5, 2022

 It's been a few months of actually "building" this house and I wanted to take the time to sit down and reflect on the process thus far. It's been a journey to get to this point and I just want to write out my thoughts in hopes they find someone else out there in the internet universe that's about to start their build, currently in the same stage of building we are, or are interested in building in the future. 

Here's the thing, if you're familiar with our building story, you know it's been a battle. 

We've dealt with delays from the bank loan (COVID changed a lot of banks underwriting regulations.) We were forced to come up with a certain amount of money, have it in our bank for 6 months, and then attempt the construction loan. 


Then we thought "wow, this permit should be a breeze and we can start building really soon."


We purchased two separate lots (one being city and one being county) and were told during the permitting process that we would need to get the land replatted into one piece of property versus two. 

The first delay was with the survey company. They were 4-6 months waitlisted. So we did just that, waited. Once the replat was complete, we waited for new drainage surveys and the city to see our next steps. 

We FINALLY got permits in June and it's honestly been a great experience ever since. 

I guess as I'm sitting here today I'd just like to tell people to be patient. I know, easier said than done. Trust me, I've been there. But God's timing has proven perfect for us and we know it will all work out at the right time for y'all as well. 

Also, don't forget the end goal. Our end goal was to build our dream house. One that was perfectly designed for our family and our lifestyle. A house that was built well and would stand the test of time. 

We are still getting that dream, just a bit later than we originally thought....