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It Snowed In Texas!!

If you blinked, you missed it. snowed in Texas and I'm considering it a Christmas miracle. It's the one thing I've missed since moving from Tennessee and now I can officially mark "see snow again in this lifetime" off my list.  

Like I said, if you blinked, you missed it. The snow started around 7pm and continued throughout the night. We (mostly me) freaked out after seeing the first few snowflakes hit the ground and wen outside to enjoy this amazing gift from God. Loretta was intrigued but very skeptical. I'm not surprised....after all, the girl refuses to go potty if the grass is wet so I didn't really imagine her being thrilled with the snow. Wet and cold? Nah, not for out little pointer.

We spent about an hour just watching the snow and taking pictures and thanking the Lord that we got to witness our first snow together!

The following morning, I took Loretta on a walk around the neighborhood and even let her play off her leash in a nearby field. She was wayyyyy more comfortable with the idea of the snow this time around. 

Cheers to snow where you live and hopefully some more down here in Texas too!