Eddie and I are both HUGE podcast junkies. Nothing excites me more than putting in my AirPods and pressing play on one of my favorite podcasts. I've recently had a few conversations with people about the ones I choose to listen to and decided it was past-due for a blog post about the topic. Eddie and I have shared a few of our favorite podcasts below and what we like about each one of them. We truly believe this list will serve you well and anyone can relate to AT LEAST one of these.
Note: click the titles of the podcasts below to be redirected to iTunes!
Note: click the titles of the podcasts below to be redirected to iTunes!
Morgan's Picks:
RISE Together Podcast
- In the past few months I've grown to love Rachel Hollis (author of Girl Wash Your Har) and her brand. This podcast follows her and her business partner husband while they do life together. If you are looking for something that is not only going to inspire you to grow your businesses but also develop more meaningful relationships along the way, this podcast is for you.
The Goal Digger Podcast
- If I'm having a hard day as a business owner and entrepreneur, this is the podcast I throw on. Step-by-step guides and how-to's allow me the opportunity to generate ideas for growth in our own business. I also do well hearing about the mistakes you make a long the way and how those mistakes make you a better business woman and this podcast lays it all out on the line. Buckle up and start writing out those goal lists.
And The Writer Is.....
- I love this because I love everything "behind the scenes" and also have mad love for music, artists, and songwriters. This song dives into the songwriter category and features the brains behind the songs. Featuring people like Nick Jonas, busbee, and Rhett Akins, it's a great listen for anyone who has any interest in the music industry no matter the genre of your liking.
Eddie's Picks:
The Modern Maker
-Three totally different guys talk about making things. Mike, Ben, and Chris are each very successful makers that have grown their businesses using social media. I love to hear their takes on how they grow their business as well as new things they are building.
The Art of Manliness
-There is something about the way my dad and my grandparents grew up that I love. I think that this world is missing some of those core values as everything continues to speed up. This blog helps me think about the way that a man, and a true gentleman should act. Respect and core values are something that seems lost today. Let’s bring them back.
Texas Music Pickers
-I am really digging what Chris is doing here. If you are a young musician coming up. This is a cool podcast to get another useful opinion. I really like how he blends interview episodes with things going on in the business episodes. The idea here is that you just take Chris’s info and educate yourself about the business a little more.
Podcasts We Both Love:
How I Built This:
- This is a great podcast for business owners. As individuals who have a growing business, this provides not only hope, but inspiration for future growth. Seeing how companies like Southwest, The Knot, Kate Spade, Lyft, etc. grew and succeeded from little to nothing, is super inspiring. I mean you have to admit, knowing that Kate Spade packed hundreds of thousands of orders in her New York apartment is very motivating.