I just joined the party but I already can't stop...and now Eddie K can't stop....I'm pretty sure he gets just as excited as I do when we find a new piece.
That's right, I'm here to talk to y'all about my new obsession: RAE DUNN.
If you've been living under a rock let me catch you up to speed. Rae Dunn is a collection of clay home goods that have shot to the top of everyone's wish lists. Southern women everywhere are stalking their local Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and Marshall stores to snatch up every single piece that hits the shelves. Some are looking to grow their personal collections. Some are looking to trade with others. Some are doing what people in the 90's did with Beanie Babies....reselling to make $$$$$$$!
That's right, I'm here to talk to y'all about my new obsession: RAE DUNN.
If you've been living under a rock let me catch you up to speed. Rae Dunn is a collection of clay home goods that have shot to the top of everyone's wish lists. Southern women everywhere are stalking their local Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and Marshall stores to snatch up every single piece that hits the shelves. Some are looking to grow their personal collections. Some are looking to trade with others. Some are doing what people in the 90's did with Beanie Babies....reselling to make $$$$$$$!
While the line of clay goods was created as an ode to Japanese culture and her background, the mugs, bowls, plates, and endless collection of house wears has become an item that can be seen in most farmhouse style homes. As someone who lives by the "rustic farmhouse" way of life, Rae Dunn is the top of my wish list!

I've received a few questions about Rae Dunn and how I grew my collection. I've taken the time to respond to those questions below.
Where do you find Rae Dunn?
Rae Dunn is only sold at the TJ Maxx corporation stores: TJ Maxx, Marshalls, & Home Goods. We have 3 stores (one of each) that are all super close to our house/jobs. Eddie K and I stop at those three daily. Additionally, we have a few more right outside of the Austin area that we hit from time-to-time.
I've also purchased a few items off of the Mercari app. Use this code to get $10 free when you sign up: RYQEUV. This is what we did and I ended up getting some awesome pieces at close to retail.
Additionally, I've joined several local Facebook communities and have traded duplicate items I've found for items my collection needed.
When did you start collecting?
Believe it or not, we just started collecting a couple of weeks ago. I had looked at the stores a few months ago and didn't see anything so I assumed they weren't getting anything here in Texas. Turns out, they get a lot but people snatch it up as soon as it hits the shelves. I randomly called Marshalls one day and they confirmed that they sold it. From there, it's been a journey of dry-runs but also lots of luck.
What time do you shop?
We've shopped at all hours of the day. I've read many articles that say you should be at the stores at opening (9:30am) on Tuesday mornings to have the best luck. I think that's a bunch of bologna. I've had some awesome luck at noon, at 4pm, at 8:30pm, etc. My advice is to stop in when you can. If you drive past a Home Goods on your way to the office, pull in. It won't kill you to try!
How do you store your pieces?
As you can see, we have Rae Dunn everywhere. I like to use my pieces as decor but also for functionality. I have two shelves in our dining room/kitchen that are dedicated to only Rae Dunn. They are kinda just thrown up in random places which I think matches her unique shapes/styles/sizes. The pieces have flaws and aren't perfect. I think having your collection too organized is a crime!
Do you actually use them or are they just for decoration?
This is the question I always see come up the most. Should I use my Rae Dunn for personal use or for decor? My advice, BOTH. We use our bowls and plates and platters and mugs and dog bowls (etc) for everything! I've made many awesome dinners and served them up in my Rae Dunn. Talk about a cute dinner! SWOON.
What items are you ISO?
Goodness gracious, a lot. My number one item on the list is a birdhouse. Seriously, they are so cute! I would also love the mixing bowls, POUR, cake/bake, and of course...the infamous COOKIE canister. That's nearly everyone's number one.
What item is your favorite and why?
My current favorite item is the butter dish. It truly is one of the cutest things in her collections. I will say this though, the oval plates, human bowls, and platters are used on a daily basis. So they are my favorite for other reasons.
While it might look like a pretty large collection, the truth is, this is nowhere even close to the amount of items she has created. Do you collect? What's your favorite piece? Any item you are desperately in search of?
Follow along on INSTAGRAM for updates on my Rae Dunn search. Now excuse me while I head to Home Goods.....or five....