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Let's Talk About Baby-Wearing

My favorite part of motherhood has been baby-wearing. Jennings loves it but it's as much for me as it is for her. She takes 99% of all her naps on me. And of the 99% of contact naps, 75% are in a carrier. Since it's something I love so much and a something I do all the time, I thought it would be appropriate to share my thoughts, opinions, and favorite carriers on the blog. 


do it. try it. do not be intimidated. 

YOU are the most comfortable thing to your baby. You are their safe place. They sleep better, calm quicker, and overall, are happier when in your arms or on your chest. After all, the first thing you do is skin-to-skin when the baby us born. They plop the baby right on your chest and the baby calms instantly. Why does that feeling have to end once you leave the hospital? 


I think the majority of parents who decide not to baby-wear are simply intimated by the idea. I know that at first, I was anxious. But I also went into my pregnancy knowing I wanted to try baby-wearing once J was born. And I'm SO GLAD I did. 


It really only comes down to two options here: Artipoppe or Solly Wrap. 

I've truly loved (and still use) both. I will say, they are two totally different types of carriers and I like both for very different reasons. I'll discuss both and share my thoughts below as well as links and discount codes!

Solly Baby: The Wrap

My number one baby carrier. My personal favorite. 

The Solly Baby wrap has been my go-to since Jennings was a newborn. I started wearing her in the wrap when she was only a few days old. We used it for almost every single nap for months. I don't haver enough words to explain just how much I've loved it. I actually have two and swap between them as one needs to be washed. 

People are sometimes intimidated by the wrap because it's not just a click into place carrier. BUT, it's extremely secure and cozy for baby. Jennings still loves the Solly wrap more than any other carrier. 

- lightweight
- easy to use from newborn stage
- machine washable
- easy to pack/travel with
- hip healthy
- more budget friendly ($70ish)

- a slight learning curve
- only forward-facing wear
- only for babies up to 25lbs

**here's my Solly wraps in action**

**using the Solly wrap at a few days old**

Artipoppe: Zeitgeist Baby Carrier

This carrier is my current go-to for daily use. While I still grab the Solly wrap quite a bit, I find myself finding the Artipoppe the best option for my life currently. I didn't get the Artipoppe until Jennings was a few months old and I'm glad I waited. Truthfully I wanted to wait a few months and make sure she loved being worn before I spent the money on the Artipoppe. While it is expensive, I find it totally worth the cost. It's comfortable, wonderful quality, and overall just a statement piece. 

I purchased the Tweed BW in Cotton and I'm so glad this is the one I ended up choosing. I went back and forth on several colors and designs but I truly love the simplicity yet fun aspect to this design. Also, at $390, it was one of the least expensive options. 

For $50 off, use this link!

- super structured + supportive 
- padded and VERY COMFY
- comfortable for long periods of time
- easy to put on
- machine washable
- front carry both in/out, and back carry
- hip healthy
- for babies from 7-45lbs


- not as easy to pack/travel with as a wrap
- more bulky than a wrap
- Less budget friendly

**here's the Artipoppe in action**


- Did you try any other carriers?
YEP! And hated them. The Baby Bjorn mini was highlyyyyy recommended by several people and it was super uncomfy and the quality just wasn't as great as the Artipoppe.

- Which carrier is better for a man?
Either! I think just like I have favorites, a man would also. I personally don't know which is the most "male friendly" but I do know Eddie tried the Artipoppe on and didn't hate it. 

- How did you learn to use the Solly wrap?
Their instagram! There's SOOOOO many videos of them showing you how to use the wrap. Practice in front of the mirror and eventually it becomes second nature. I don't use a mirror anymore and haven't since maybe the first few weeks. Sometimes I find the Solly wrap easier to get adjusted than the Artipoppe. 

- What's the best carrier for travel?
I think this depends what kind of traveling. If you're going somewhere and only taking a diaper bag, take the Solly. It'll pack small. If you plan to travel on the plane or hike or do a ton of walking, I would maybe suggest the Artipoppe instead.