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Jennings Goes To Her First Concert

 Well, the day came and went and wow, it was so special. 

At six months old, Jennings finally saw her first concert. We waited until she could see a show close to him [just in case we needed to leave lol] and I, selfishly, felt it was necessary her first concert be a Chase Rice one. 

photo credit: Sam Ehrnstein

Eddie and I met because of Chase so it only felt appropriate for Jennings to go to one of his shows first. We made the trip [45ish minutes] to Gonzales where Chase was playing Cattle Country Fest. She ended up napping in the car and for about an hour in the Doona once we got there. Thank goodness for the long nap because she ended up not taking another one stayed up about 2.5 hours after bedtime to see Uncle Chase play. LOL. 

She did great though and loved watching the lights during the set. We ended up staying for about five songs before her limit was reached and we needed to head home. 

If you are looking for a sign to take your baby somewhere that you are nervous to take them, this is it. I had a bit of anxiety about the process but everything was super smooth and I have zero regrets (and a lot of memories). 

Tip: change your baby into pajamas before the show so when you get home they are ready to transition into bedtime. She fell asleep on the ride home and back asleep at home within a few minutes of her diaper change. 

Not a ton to say so I'll just share a ton of pictures of our little music gal and link all the things below we had in our bag for a smooth day. 

photo credit: Evan De Stefano

photo credit: Evan De Stefano

photo credit: Evan De Stefano

photo credit: Sam Ehrnstein

photo credit: Sam Ehrnstein